Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Has the LOVE BUG bitten you?

For some of us, it's quite clear.... out pets are the best thing since pockets on jeans. For others, that haven't yet entered our sanctimonious cult, full of deep rituals, special rites of passage, and odd sound making.... we are crazy.

This cult’s rituals include crawl under the bed to retrieve the dog bowl.... where all the other sacred artifacts are stashed, such as that long lost mate to your favorite socks, the toy that you swore you tossed because the squeaky had been disemboweled, and of course, the wad of paper from the trash can that "pup" new he wasn’t supposed to have. We celebrate special rites of passage such as our first poop in the yard. Normally this is followed by a cheerleader action, lots of clapping, leaping, and sound making. Ohhh, and the sound making. Kisses into the air, early primate noises with our lips, often associated with funny faces. Yes, this cult only allows the best of the best, the nuttiest, and even the crazies.

Still yet, many have not crossed into "Our" world. And, for those that are still lingering on the fence, there is now Scientific Proof that this cult has merit. So listen up you hard headed people! When humans and dogs interact, both release Oxytocin, also known as "the love drug". Scientists believe that this is the reason why people with dogs have reduced stress and are less likely to have heart attacks, and more likely to survive a heart attack.

Japanese Scientists recruited 55 dogs to perform a "Lovely" experiment. In this trial, it was determined that the chemical Oxytocin was released in higher levels when around pets. And according to these scientists, Oxytocin could explain why we are happier when we are around dogs, and as well, have less anxiety and depression.

So, Come ON! Join the Cult, grab a pet and spread the LOVE BUG. And, if you know someone on the fence, help them to get "bitten"! Just another outstanding reason to support local Rescue... who are indeed all whole-heartedly spreading this "Lovely" germ.